Thursday, 8 September 2011

A new video we hope you enjoy

Hey everyone,

Ella is busy putting together the story to accompany the shots we took of her and Danielle and that will be along in due course. We know you're going to love it so stay posted..

In the meantime we had a little fun after Danielle had left as we were both in the mood for it, here's the first of a series of new videos. A special prize for the first person to identify the old school music :)


PS as always if you are reading this via email visit to view the video


  1. Great Video great music hope to see more...

  2. The music is "Do You Wanna Touch" by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts..tremendous video :)

  3. Sorry but not that exsiteing. Use some toys or bring in a nouther woman. You have done manu of you slowley playing with your self. NEED SOMETHING DIFFENT SWEETIE

  4. Need more. She is perfect...

  5. As they say you can please all of the people dome of the time a some of ....

    Yes there is more variety to come and that will include photos, video, toys and Ella and Danielle together. But we are here for the long term, we are sharing an adventure and its a long term one. I will post a bit more about this shortly.

    Stay and enjoy or wander away, it's your choice but all we have to say I there is plenty more to this adventure yet.

  6. Artistically stunning


If you enjoy our work, or even if you dont let us know. We are here to hear your feedback